Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sooo Men Are From Mars?

My mom brought me the "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" book a few days after Christmas. I started it a few years ago when a friend lent it to us but never finished it. I figured I might as well now. Some of the themes resonate with me, many of them don't. I prefer different types of communication rather than just trying to navigate around not ticking my partner off.

But on a more Holistic thread I hit on a segment that briefly touched on the author's thought around physical diseases being manifestations of emotional issues. AND he mentioned that not having a spiritual grounding could be a part of the larger problem as well. I was very impressed and eager to see that a book that's "gone viral" in many ways was connecting many of those same dots. Granted its a very small paragraph in the book and may get  overlooked by many, but it was comforting to see it there.

This visit from my parents also brought up more discussions around Holistic, Integral and what these sorts of ideas mean. My parents have been very supportive of my educational path and very eager to soak in what I've been learning and then I see some of it reflected back.

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