Thursday, December 31, 2009

Closing Out The Year

On various social network sites there have been many posts today from friends and family about the past year and what they want different for next year. Its interesting to note how many give great weight to the idea of a resolution.

I don't do resolutions, I never have. I'm more about a constant process of evolving and discovery rather than creating a hard and fast thing. I don't mind being honest with myself and setting realistic goals, but I do that all through the year rather than saying "ok on January 1st I'll REALLY try this time." No time like this exact moment, December 31 at 4:20pm. I'm going to continue my plan of living my life as fully as possible. I'm going to continue learning about what I want to pursue spiritually, getting myself out there more as a pro bellydancer, love more, have compassion for myself and others, keep stretching physically and emotionally, and continue writing as much or as little will spill onto the page.

Looking forward to 2010, 2009 was pretty great overall.

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