Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Who Is This Chick Anyway?

Hello there and welcome to my blog! I'm currently a few weeks into a new journey in my life, a Master's in Holistic Health Education. Already I've reworked my definitions of the words Holistic, Integral, & Spiritual. I've started to expand my understanding of several world religions and gaining awareness of what my own spiritual path might be after years of avoiding much of anything because nothing felt like it fit.

However I'm more than just a student; I've been married for 16+ years, in a polyamorous relationship, have two lovely daughters, an avid student of Middle Eastern Dance, and love to explore my artistic side on projects ranging from charcoal portraits to helping build pieces of a rocketship that went to Burning Man last summer.

I've chosen the "last name" of Asiya as it means "one who heals" in Arabic. I've done a lot of personal healing through dance, love, and spiritual exploration in the last few years and now want to carry that forward to other people.

Welcome and I encourage any comments or questions!

Seeking A Way

I've been doing a lot of thinking and discussing the past couple of months about what's brought me to this new chapter in life to pursue holistic health education. Between the segment on Buddhism in my World Religions class and several chapters in "Spirit and Science of Health" I was inspired to write the following piece.


Are we so lost that we have no connection to who we are? Standing, oft silent screaming, “What am I doing here anyway?” Waging war upon ourselves until we become


Or so we think

Fooled into combating our way through existence, a desperate effort to avoid bearing witness what is actually happening. Clinging stubbornly to our experiences with


Labyrinthine misunderstanding

Striving ever onward with ferocity, running roughshod over the delights that are in the now. Until shown a brief moment that offers


Did you feel it?