Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Grounding Exercise

This is taken from my first week's exercise in Somatic Psychology. I was struck by how simple of an exercise it is and found that I enjoyed figuring out ways in the various positions to get a sense of being connected the the earth.

Why Grounding?

When I am grounded, I can fully feel my physical body and how it interacts with what is around me. My  feet and legs are strong and stable. My senses are operating optimally, so that colors are vibrant and sounds are clear. In my experience, grounding allows for a good sense of smell and taste. I get the sense of being fully alive and life feels rich, immediate and real.

I notice that when I am ungrounded I don't function very well, often I feel as if I'm the flailing image of Kermit the Frog. My mind is distracted and cannot focus well. My body does not feel strong and solid. My feet do not seem to be fully touching the Earth. Often I experience clumsiness with an increased tendency to bump into things. I'll experience the external environment either as dull, farther away and less solid or at the other extreme too heavy and intrusive.

Exercise in Grounding

Grounding can be done from a sitting, standing or lying-down position. Practice in all three positions because you will find that it works a little differently in each. Usually we face our most challenging situations when we are in a vertical position, so it makes sense that we practice holding our grounding while we are standing or seated. Lying down is the most relaxing. This position has the advantage of being a little easier to master.

The Basics

Begin by closing your eyes and focusing your awareness on the base of your spine. Your energy will follow your awareness. Imagine a point of light on the tip of your spine. This will help you access an important energy center that will facilitate grounding. It is sometimes called the root center. Breathe gently as you take your awareness inside. Draw the breath into the root center, imagine that a beautiful golden light is riding on the breath. Leave the light in the first center as you exhale. You are feeding your root with energy, allowing it to take on a stronger charge. 

Talk with your root, ask it to expand, open and fill. Continue with your focus, breathing in both light and space. Wait. Use the attitude of expectancy without expectation. Notice where the root starts to respond. Perhaps it is more active in the front or the back, or maybe the left side or the right side. 

There is no need for the mind to understand how all of this works. Your energetic system knows perfectly how to do this. Your task is to focus your awareness and state your request. Let your system respond. Pay more attention to the sensation of what is going on than to the visual images you are getting. 

Allow the root and pelvic bowl to fill with light. Once this occurs, imagine a line or cord of energy extending from the root center into the Earth. If you are standing, the line will drop down between your legs. If you are sitting, it will drop from the base of your spine downward. If you are lying down, the line will drop down perpendicularly from your horizontal body. Ask that the line move deep into the center of the Earth, finding a clear and stable point. 

Breathe energy from the Earth up the line and into your pelvic bowl. Breathe back down the line and up again, raising the Earth energy only as far as the waist. Let any overflow spill down into your legs. You are "weaving" yourself with the Earth and letting her become an extension of you. Feel the support that is there for you. An entire planet! Now ask that the vibration of the heart of the Earth open in you. Notice what happens. Allow your body to adjust. If you do not notice anything, that is okay. It does not mean that nothing is happening. You just may not be able to perceive it yet. 

Give your self time to explore this connection. Observe your reactions to it. If you detect any resistance, ask yourself to gently soften. Notice the attitudes that your mind holds. Breathe. You are breathing with the Earth. Just notice. Judge nothing. Give yourself time. This is how you open the door to feeling at home in your body. This is how you allow your body to show you its support and strength. 

Once you feel you have opened and connected with the Earth, thank your body and energetic system. Thank the Earth for what she has given you. Ask your cells to memorize the sensation of grounding so that in the future you can simply remember the sensation and you will automatically strengthen your grounding capacity. 

Have fun with this! :-)