Friday, December 4, 2009

Healing Through Dance

"Dance Like No One OR Everyone Is Watching"

As a dancer who performs professionally I've become very interested in learning more about my personal journey and the impact that movement has on healing. I stepped into my first bellydance class almost 5 years ago. Initially drawn to the dance by the music I have enjoyed learning a variety of styles, some more Westernized and recently more traditional styles.

Along the way I've encountered roadblocks from a physical and emotional sense. I'm not a very flexible person and progress has been very slow, even with a consistent yoga practice. But looking at early videos and where I'm at now...its worlds of difference.

Most recently I've begun establishing a style that allows me to be vulnerable and feminine yet strong. I've watched the nearly crippling stage fright begin to melt away and feel a gentle ease when I'm out in front of an audience. I believe I'm stepping into my right as a woman to be beautiful. Through the use of rhythm and movement I'm refashioning the ideas I want to present to an audeince.

'Imagine, beauty as a doorway, we can walk through. When we open the door, we find our (brothers and) sisters waiting there to greet us. We see our own beauty mirrored in their eyes. We know that our beauty does not detract from their beauty, but rather exists in connection and support of it. We are most beautiful when we are beautiful, together.'  ~Lorraine Lafata, MSW, LICSW and bellydancer

How are you finding beauty in your life and celebrating it?