Friday, February 26, 2010

Information is Beautiful

Neat graphic showing the uses and popularity of various supplements as well as their efficacy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I Me Wed

Creating A Marriage With Yourself

The above article is interestingly enough similar to a concept that I was struck by last year. I was experiencing a great deal of uncertainty about who I was and my abilities to handle life and relationships. I decided to make myself my priority, not just in words but in actions. I started to take a look at the way my inner critical voice treated me, it wasn't very nice. In fact it was a tone and manner that I wouldn't tolerate from another person, let alone someone I was in an intimate relationship with. It was a bit like being bonked in the head with an "ah ha!"

At first it felt awkward and unwieldy, but it was solidified for me that I NEEDED to do this when a few people I'd encountered were very vocal in their support of this process.

After reading the above article I feel like I have even more language for saying, "Hey Nancy, you are pretty awesome and I'm going to treat you that way."

It feels like the start of a beautiful relationship. :-)