Monday, May 3, 2010

The Thing About Balance

 Lately in class readings, course discussion, and  other life events I keep running across the theme of balance. Not just in being able to do many things at one time, but embracing the "bad" along with the "good". I'm starting to see that things just "are" and I can choose how I react to them. Sometimes I allow myself to celebrate, other times to mourn. Whatever feels appropriate to me to express at the time. I wrote this almost two years ago and its still speaking to me so I'll share it here.


Shadows dance across the water

Chasing the light,

Providing balance

Shape to form

Unable to exist without the other

Carefully poised in movement

Encouraging growth

Ultimately fading

The end it is not, merely the beginning

Circling eternally around

Gently rocking us

While awakening our souls

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